Est. May 19, 1822
Prior to transferring stock, please notify the Parish Business Manager of your intention.
Shawn Blair, the Business Manager, can be reached by:
Telephone: (410) 592-6206 x113
Notification is necessary because the actual stock transaction does not always indicate the name of the donor.
The Archdiocese of Baltimore has made arrangements with two firms to assist those who want to contribute to the Church by means of the transfer of stock or other marketable securities. The Account Name for both firms is: Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore.
Alex Brown
100 International Drive, 22nd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Attn: Laura-Lynn Renner (410-525-6240)
DTC Number: 0725
Account Number: 891N4618
Morgan Stanley
650 S. Exeter Street, Suite 1100
Attn: Brian Harrison (410-736-5320)
DTC Number: 0015
Account Number: 633-1621167-190
If the securities are held by your broker in street name, please use the Authorization Letter – Street form provided to authorize him/her to wire transfer the shares to one of the Archdiocesan accounts listed above. Please be sure to provide all information requested, including the number of shares and/or securities; donor’s name, address and phone number; where the gift is to be designated, i.e., St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Long Green Valley
For each certificate (name of stock or bond) that you have to be transferred, please use the Authorization Letter – Certificate form provided to authorize the transfer. Again, please be sure to provide all information requested. Mail the certificate (DO NOT SIGN) along with the completed form to one of the firms listed above.
Once the transfer has been initiated, please send a copy of your completed transfer form to the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The form should be sent to:
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Fax: 410-625-8485
Stock Gift Administration Manager
Department of Development
320 Cathedral Street, 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
If you need assistance, or have any questions relative to this matter, please feel free to contact the Business office here at St. John’s.