Est. May 19, 1822
God sends each and every person into this world as a gift. All human life has value and should be respected from the moment of conception to natural death. With Christ as our center, we are committed to upholding this beautiful truth at the parish level and within our community. This aim includes coordinating educational efforts, attending marches and demonstrations, assuring prayer for all life issues, supporting crisis pregnancy centers, and informing parishioners how we can assist through legislative or any other action. We work with the Long Green Valley Knights of Columbus and the Archdiocese Respect Life Committee.
Click here for more information on Respect Life
The USCCB ProLife website is an additional resource to visit:
Healing after abortion:
Project Rachel Baltimore:; 410-625-8491;
Ministry to families who have lost children through miscarriage:
Holy Innocents: website to come; 410-547-3142;
Catholic vision for compassionate care at end of life:
In Joyful Hope:
Prayer and education on life before birth:
Spiritual Adoption:
Help for homeless pregnant moms:
Gabriel Network:; 1-800-ANGEL-OK;
Pregnancy support:
OptionLine:; 1-800-712-4357; Text HELPLINE to 313131
Help for families experiencing adverse prenatal diagnosis:
Isaiah’s Promise:;
Education and support in Natural Family Planning:
Office of Marriage and Family Life:; 410-547-5420
Support for infertility:
Office of Marriage and Family Life:; 410-547-5420
Help for those experiencing intimate partner violence:
National Domestic Violence Hotline:; 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) (24/7)
“If a friend told you she was pregnant and considering abortion, would you know what to do? Learn concrete tips for loving her in a way that is life-affirming for both her and her child.”
– USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “What to Do When a Friend Is Considering Abortion”
Click here for more information on what to do if a friend tells you she’s considering abortion.