What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them. What motivates me to perform righteous deeds? How can I purify my motivation?
When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. Where can I pray without distraction? What time in my day is dedicated to prayer?
And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you. What parts of me does only God know? How do I experience God’s loving kindness and favor?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Ready! Set! Go!
We are challenged to deeper partnership and collaboration
As I have described in past weeks, in order to start the journey of implementation, there shall be someone who will oversee and direct us to our destination, a group of people who will take the oars to row towards the destination, and people who will support us.
We have formed groups of volunteers to compose the Implementation Monitor team, and the Core Mission Priority areas teams of advocates, and we will ask for the commitment of all parishioners to support and pray for the work of new evangelization. The Monitor team is composed of select leaders who provide oversight and monitor the implementation of strategies to realize the goals of the core mission areas. The Core Mission Priority Team of Advocates is the group of parishioners who have committed to helping and implementing the action steps to realize the objectives of a particular core mission area goals. Your initial task is to pray for these volunteers and the initiative to bring renewal to our community.
Our Lord desires that we, His body on earth, act in unity as we make His glory known. In partnerships in mission, we have our best chance to make an impact, when we unite the energies of many parishioners and ministry groups. This is particularly true in dealing with the large mission challenge before us that can only be done through partnerships and collaboration.
I ask you to reflect on this: How might you use your gifts and talents in a ministry? How might your group or ministry join together with others in partnership with the mission of Jesus to better advance the work of multiplying the growing disciples of the SJE faith community?
Tech Ministry
Our livestream and tech ministry is looking for volunteers ages 14 and up to assist with the use of our new projection screens at all our weekend Masses. In order to make all our Masses more accessible and inclusive for parishioners and visitors, we would like to have song lyrics and prayers projected at all Masses. The projection software is simple to use and training will be provided. In addition, we would like more volunteers to run our Sunday livestream. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Megan Malkus at malkusmn@sjehydes.org or 410-592-6206 ext. 104. All volunteers must be Virtus certified.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
St. John is so excited to once again offer children ages 5 to 10 an opportunity to hear God’s word in a way that is designed just for them. The children will be called to the Altar for a blessing before being taken to the Church Hall for their own lesson on the day’s readings. The children return to celebrate the rest of the Mass with their families after the Homily.
We will have CLOW at 9 AM Mass on February 26.
For more information or to help serve in this ministry, contact Melanie Hecht at mlhecht927@protonmail.com. It is a great place for adults and teens to serve!
Let us pray for the young people from our community attending the Maryland March for Life in Annapolis on Monday, February 27.
Middle School St. Patrick’s Day of Service We invite all middle school students to participate in a day of service on Friday, March 17, from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM. Please bring a $5 donation to cover the cost of materials for this service project.
Young Adult Small Group College aged Small group continues to meet on Sunday’s beginning at 1 PM. Please attend 11:30 AM Mass, then head up the hill to the Koontz House for conversation and fellowship with others your age. (Being a college student is not a requirement to attend, being between the ages of 18-24 is.)
Confirmation 2023 Our next Confirmation preparation session will be held on Tuesday, March 7, at 6:45 PM in the Church Hall.
Confirmation Retreat Our Confirmation Retreat will take place on Saturday, March 11 from 9 AM - 5 PM and Sunday, March 12 from 9 AM - 1 PM. All candidates are required to attend both days of this retreat. Sponsors and parents are asked to join the candidates for the second day where we will attend Mass together and gather for a picnic-style lunch.
Congratulations to all the 8th graders who received their high school acceptance letters!
Parents, please contact Colleen Sisolak letting her know where your child has committed to for a personal congratulations letter.
The schedule for Faith Formation classes for the next four weeks is as follows:
Grades K - 8 Sunday, Feb 26: Classes - School
Sunday, Mar 5: Classes - School
Sunday, Mar 12: Classes - School
Sunday, Mar 19: Classes - School
CRS Rice Bowl God invites us to slow down in the silence and look for Him around us - in nature and in people who need us most.
We are used to going fast—sometimes without even knowing where we are going. But we think we should be in a hurry. When we go from one activity to the next with such speed, sometimes we forget about our relationship with God. We might even stop paying attention to the beautiful world we live in and the people with whom we share this planet—our common home.
During Lent, we have an opportunity to slow down. Through the three Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we grow closer to God and gain a better understanding of how our actions are impacting the lives of our sisters and brothers near and far.
This year, the CRS Rice Bowl Stories of Hope takes us to Honduras, Kenya, and the Philippines, where we’ll learn how people are overcoming the causes of hunger and adapting to climate change. As you journey with us during Lent, remember that through prayer, God invites us to slow down in the silence and look for him around us—in nature and in people who need us most. Our fasting is an act of solidarity with people who are hungry—and it helps us feel a small part of what they are living day by day. It is in this spirit that our almsgiving is an act of love for God and our neighbor. Through giving, there is no limit to what we can achieve together to serve people impacted by climate.
Vacation Bible School 2023 We are pleased to announce St. John the Evangelist’s Vacation Bible School Program “Hero Hotline” for Summer 2023 – June 26 – 30 from 9:00 AM. – 12:00 PM in the Church Hall. Students rising to Preschool 4 through Grade 5 as of September 2023 are invited to participate.
Students rising to grades 6 – 12 are invited to be crew leaders.
Note: All students age 14 and older must be Worthy of the Call trained and certified to work with younger children. If you are interested in helping with the program, please contact Theresa Konitzer no later than May 30, 2023.
Cost: $50.00 for First Child and $25.00 for each sibling.
Registration and Permission forms can be found on the parish website at
Lectors Needed
When contemplating your sacred purpose, did you ever consider proclaiming the Word of God at Mass?
Our lector ministry is such a rewarding opportunity to take an active role in parish life and to give back in thanksgiving for your own blessings.
Minimal training is provided, and you sign up to serve whenever you’re available.
Anyone high school age and older is most welcome.
If you have questions or would like more information, please call Debbie Jenkins at the parish office (410-592-6206, X100.)
Haiti Poor Box Collection
This weekend, all Poor Box donations will go toward helping our sister parishes in Haiti. A newsletter will be provided by the Haiti Committee outlining their work and how your generous donations help the people of our sister parishes and school.
Eucharistic Ministers Needed
You’ve seen us at all Masses helping the priest give Eucharist to the assembly. How many times have you thought about becoming an EM? If you’re a fully-initiated Catholic (having been baptized, received First Communion, and Confirmation)
you’re eligible! All training is done at your convenience after the Mass of your choice. What a perfect time to join all the SJE Ministers of Holy Communion during this year as we strive to be Eucharistic people!
Interested? Contact Christine Longhenry by emailing clonghenry@verizon.net or calling 443 391-3953. You’ll be so glad you did!
Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries
Making a pledge to support the 2023 Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries, You are the Light of the World, is a powerful way to help those in need. Please prayerfully consider how you will support the 2023 Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries. Making a pledge, which can be paid in monthly installments is a powerful way to maximize your contribution. For more information on the Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries, and to make a gift or pledge online, please visit www.archbalt.org/appeal/. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Prayer Ministry This Weekend
Prayer Ministry consists of teams of trained Prayer Ministers who are able to pray with you and for you regarding specific requests or special intentions.
Prayer Ministers serve as intercessors in the parish community to fulfill the call to pray for one another. After all Masses on the last weekend of each month, Prayer Teams will be stationed around the sides of the church sanctuary. Simply approach a Prayer Team member, tell them your concerns, and allow them to pray with you and for you, knowing that God hears and answers our prayers. Prayer Ministers will be available after all Masses next weekend, February 25/26.
Our Daily Bread
We have pledged to provide 100+ casseroles on the first Monday of each month to Our Daily Bread in Baltimore. Could you help us keep our commitment to feed the needy? Baking is done right in the disposable pan which is available in the narthex. Please bring the frozen casserole to the church hall kitchen prior to April 2.
Short on time? A family-size Stouffer’s Mac ‘n Cheese or “Wish list” items – cereal, sugar, tea bags, iced tea mix, lunch bags, zipper sandwich bags, or plastic forks are also welcome donations.
First Friday Mass & Holy Hour
Join us for Mass followed by Holy Hour on Friday, March 3 at 8:30 AM in the church. The celebrant will give a brief talk before Benediction.
All are invited for this period of prayer, fasting, and penance in the Holy Presence of Jesus.
Respect Life Corner
To the generous and supportive parishioners of St. John the Evangelist Long Green Valley, thank you for supporting our fundraisers including the Chili Sales, the Spaghetti Dinner, and the Pancake Supper. These funds allow us to support many charities throughout the year including Seminarian Support, Pregnancy Center Support, School Activities, Towson University Outreach Ministry, and many others. It is our privilege to extend your generosity to these worthy charities.
Knights of Columbus, Long Green Valley Council 8736
Come put your faith into action: www.kofc.org/joinus
KofC Thank You
The Catholic Review is reporting that “two bills that conflict directly with Catholic values and the protection of life are progressing in the Maryland General Assembly…the proposed End-of-Life-Action Act” also known as the Physician Assisted Suicide Act “contains a number of flaws, including placing the disabled, poor, mentally ill and minority groups at risk; creating a financial incentive for insurance companies and other medical plans to deny life-saving treatment”
“On another respect life issue, the Right to Reproductive F
Eucharistic Minister Workshop
We’re back!! EM workshops are here again. Only two this year, but they’ll be a great refresher for all Eucharistic Ministers. The first will be held in the Koontz House (conference center) after the morning Mass on Thursday, March 2 at 9:30 AM. The second will be held in the same location on Saturday, March 4 at 10:00 AM. Hope to see you there!
Eucharistic Minister Scheduler Needed
We need a Eucharistic Minister Scheduler!
Our wonderful scheduler, Adele Alvather, has decided to “retire” after many years of service to SJE. Will YOU be the one to take her place? You’ll need a heart for serving, Microsoft EXCEL skills(easy to learn because we’ll teach you), and will prepare the schedule only three times annually. Adele will send you all the EM info you need to get started. Will you be the person who takes Adele Alvather’s place as scheduler? Please call the parish office at 410-592-6206 if you’re the one!
Votive Lights Now in the Chapel
We have put electric Prayer Votive Lights in the Chapel’s sanctuary that can be used by anyone who wishes to offer prayers and to symbolize it by lighting a votive. There are two kinds of votive lights that will continue to burn for some hours or days (depending on the size) and thus signals the prayer and love of the person who lit it, long after they must go. The free-will offering will go to defray the cost of candles used in the altar during sacred liturgy. The suggested offering is $1 for a day and $5 for a week.
The practice of lighting candles or votive lights is similar to the notion of “burnt offering” in the Scripture. In the Old Testament, things of value (usually sacrificed animals) would be burned and thereby offered to God. The smoke was a symbol of the sacrifice of praise ascending to God. Catholics who light candles or votive lights are making an offering to God of prayer and praise. The light or the fire of the candle symbolizes ardent love.
The act of lighting symbolizes the oblation (offering) of something of value to God: our time, our praise, our resources, and so forth. The lingering quality of the lights symbolizes the fact that our prayers, praise, and concerns continue in our hearts even when we must leave the church. The flickering light also seems to say “Remember me, Lord, remember my prayer and those for whom I pray.”
Lenten Evening of Reflection
Join us for a time of reflection and prayer during Lent on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, from
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in the Church. Father Kevin Ewing will share some inspirational thoughts and ways for us to be a Eucharistic people. There will be music, an opportunity to reflect on the Last Supper, and time for quiet prayer. As we prepare for the great feast of Easter, take time to truly reflect on how God has blessed you and how you can better serve God and his people.
Easter Flower Memorials
Our Lent mailing included an envelope for Easter flower donations to honor or remember loved ones at Easter time. Extra envelopes can be found in the parish office. Please return donations by April 7.
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.