What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
You are an obstacle to me.
What people, places, or things are obstacles to my growth in faith? How have I been an obstacle to others’ faith?
You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.
When have I judged my circumstances with the world’s values? When have I judged my circumstances in accord with God’s will?
Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.
What cross do I need to bear? How can I give of myself to help others bear their crosses?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Anointing of the Sick
Those in ill health or preparing for medical procedures may receive this sacrament after the 9:00 AM Mass next Sunday, September 10, or on the 2nd Sunday of any month.
"Elements of Catholic Mass"
As part of the Eucharistic Revival at St. John’s, we will be sharing short videos about the parts of the Mass. After each Mass, starting the weekend of September 16/17, “Elements of the Catholic Mass” will be shown. These videos run for no longer than 6-7 minutes each and most are less than 5 minutes. In the bulletin each week will be a 2-page study guide that summarizes the video, gives you other resources about that part of the Mass, and has discussion questions. Anyone who wishes can stay for an informal discussion in the church using the discussion questions. Following the 9:00 AM Mass, there will be a discussion facilitated by someone from the Adult Faith Formation team. We hope that everyone will stay for a few minutes each week to learn more about the source and summit of our faith, the Eucharistic Liturgy – the Holy Mass. If you want, you can also watch the videos on FORMED. To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:
- Go to https://signup.formed.org/
- Enter our parish’s zip code (21082)
- Enter your name and your email address
That’s it! You’re in. Now you can get the free FORMED app for your phone by searching FORMED Catholic in your app store.
Revival Starts in Your Heart
The Church cannot be renewed if we all move forward with business as usual. The Revival God longs to ignite in this world isn’t something that happens outside of us… it begins in your own heart.
The Revival Spark Series is a simple, powerful way to allow the Holy Spirit to fan your desire for renewal into flames of love for Jesus and your neighbor.
Join thousands of Catholics as we spend nine days reflecting on this divine invitation and recalling the goodness of our God. Sign up to receive a daily email that leads you into moments of prayer and reflection, instilling a vision for the healing grace God wants to unleash in our world.
You can start your nine-day journey at any time, and it’s absolutely free! All it requires is an openness to letting God speak and move in new ways.
In this new video, National Eucharistic Preacher Fr. Binh Nguyen, SVD, helps us discover the key to understanding the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Watch this short video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmHOwmp8L0s
Join us on Sunday,
September 17, 2023
after the 11:30am Mass.
Please bring a side dish and/or a dessert to share!
The parish will provide hotdogs, hamburgers, Italian sausage,
drinks and all the fix'ns.
We hope to have both the Raven's Game and the Oriole's Games on big screens for you to enjoy.
Jenga, Corn-hole, giant connect 4 and other games will also be available for some family /church family fun.
Please click below to sign-up prior to End of Business on Sept 10, 2023.
After missing you all summer, we are so excited to see you again and hear all about what you’ve been up to! Our next Confirmation session will be on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. See you soon!
Help Sell Mums
We could use your help selling mums after Masses the weekend of September 9/10. In addition to pre-order pick ups, we will need people to sell cash & carry mums. Please contact Colleen Sisolak if you are interested and available! This can also count for service hours!
Presence: Young Adult Small Group
Our Young Adult Small Group has started their summer series on Presence. They are connecting with and learning about the Eucharist as we continue, nationally, the Eucharistic Revival. If you are between the ages of 18 and 30 and are interested in joining a small group, please contact Colleen Sisolak. Our current small group meets at 1:00 PM on Sundays in the Koontz House.
Back to School
Please keep in your prayers all students who are returning to school in the next few weeks.
Heavenly Father, help these college students to walk in the ways that align with your word.
Lord, as they juggle different things at school, remind them that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.
May they take delight in you and commit everything they do to you that you may grant them the desires of their hearts.
In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.
Registration for 2023-2024
The countdown is on. In only two weeks we will begin another wonderful Faith Formation year. Classes will begin on September 17, 2023 with Mass at 9:00 AM. We need everyone to come to Church to raise our voices to pray for the wisdom to be open to God’s word to allow Him to change us to become followers of His Son, Jesus.
At 10:05 AM, immediately following the 9:00 AM Mass, Faith Formation families will meet in the Church for an opening prayer. Parents will then go to the Church Hall to hear a presentation about the new Pflaum series while the children take a tour of the Church. After the tour we will gather in the Church Hall for our First Family Gathering on “Getting Ready.”
We cannot wait to see you.
If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Konitzer at 410-592-6206, Ext. 107.
Catechists and Assistants
To begin the new Faith Formation year, we are looking for people who love their faith and sharing their faith experiences with youth. We are very excited about this year’s new program, which is based on the weekly gospel readings. If you are interested in helping children develop a personal relationship with Jesus. please contact Theresa Konitzer at konitzermt@sjehydes.org or call 410-592-6206, Ext. 107.
CLOW Help Needed
To begin the new Faith Formation year, we are looking for people who can substitute if a catechist is not available to teach. For more information, please contact Theresa Konitzer at 410-592-6206, Ext. 107 or email: tkonitzer@sjehydes.org.
Walking With Purpose
Walking with Purpose, a dynamic WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will begin a new season on September 10, 2023. If you are interested in experiencing a closer walk with Jesus and meeting a caring group of women to share your journey with, you won’t want to miss this life-giving, life-changing small group experience for women! The title of the study will be “Touching the Divine” and focuses on the Gospel of John. This will coincide uniquely with the National Eucharistic Revival. It is a 22-week study and will run through March 17 with breaks for Thanksgiving (1 week) and Christmas (5 weeks). Registration is available now online using this link: https://forms.gle/coELc3QN45yfRGRQ6. In person registration will take place on the weekend of September 2/3 after all Masses. Even if you have participated in the past, please register for this season so we can keep track of who will be participating. We are also adding a new group! They will be meeting on Fridays at 10:00 AM in the Koontz House. The book costs $40 and is available in the narthex on registration weekends, in the parish office, from the WWP website, and from Amazon. For more information, contact Barbara Anderson at andersonbh@sjehydes.org or 410-592-6206 x106.
Help Needed!
Do you have a truck? Would you be willing to help us transport the Mums from a farm in PA to SJE? We are hoping to get 150 Mums and want to make sure they arrive as beautiful as when we pick them up. If you are available on Friday, September 8th to meet us at the farm around 4pm we would be very thankful. We also would like to share our gratitude by giving you 2 potted mums, color of your choice! Please contact Colleen if you can help.
Sunday Perks Needs You!
If you can make a commitment to helping us serve coffee and donuts one Sunday a month please contact Colleen Lyons at colleenlyons51@gmail.com 410-746-0978
Sundays after 9:00 AM Mass will be a little SWEETER beginning September 17, 2023!
That Man is You is an interactive men’s program focused on the development of male leadership in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families, and greater society.
The Fight of Faith equips and enables men to engage in the cosmic, spiritual battle raging in our day. Authentic masculine identities will emerge to inspire heroic lives of service to a calling greater than ourselves. The Fight of Faith is uniquely both contemplative and practical.
That Man Is You will be meeting in the Church Hall at 6:00 AM every other Sunday beginning on September 10, 2023.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our members have been making blessed shawls and lap blankets, stitched with prayers, for over 13 years and given over 1750 to those who need to feel God’s love and healing comfort. We give free knit and crochet instructions with all the tools and yarn you need to begin. We are a group of ladies who love the Lord. If you’d like more information, contact Carol by email at CCalvert543@aol.com or by phone at 410-592-6696.
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
There are many reasons why you may want to become involved in the RCIA. Do any of these fit you?
- I have never been baptized.
- I am married to a Catholic and attend Mass, but I just don’t know what the next step may be.
- I have been baptized in another Christian denomination and wish to become Catholic
- I have been baptized Catholic but have not received Eucharist or Confirmation.
Do you know someone who might be interested in being in full communion with the Catholic Church? Ask, encourage, and invite them to this process. The journey begins with one small step! For more information contact Barbara Anderson at andersonbh@sjehydes.org or 410-592-6206 x106.
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.