What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. How do I discern God’s will for me? How can I become more docile to that will?
All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. How have I experienced God’s power and majesty? How can I respond in adoration and thanksgiving to all that God has done for me?
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. When was the last time I shared my faith with someone? How can I develop an evangelizing spirit?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Wedding Anniversary Blessings
The Blessing for those married in the month of June will take place next Sunday, May 21, after the 9:00 AM Mass. Please contact the parish office to register.
National Eucharistic Revival
Do you have a love of the Eucharist? Have you had a spiritual experience involving the Eucharist? If so, we are looking for you. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops are conducting a Eucharistic Revival from June 2022-July 2024. Beginning June 10, 2023 will be the parish portion of the Eucharistic Revival. As part of the revival we are looking for people who are willing to pray; to share their Eucharistic experience online with others; and/or be Eucharistic Missionaries. It’s easy to do. Go to www.eucharisticrevival.org. Scroll down to “How to get involved?” and click on “Learn more”. Here are the descriptions of what you will be doing in one or more of the three options:
• BECOME A PRAYER PARTNER Join a team of spiritual advocates! Help us cover the whole Revival in prayer, fasting, and penance. Sign up below to unlock special inspiration and opportunities—and to tell us that we can count on your prayers!
• SHARE A TESTIMONY How has Christ’s presence in the Eucharist touched your life? Share your testimony to open more hearts to the healing power of Our Lord.
• BECOME A EUCHARISTIC MISSIONARY Eucharistic Missionaries earnestly, expectantly ask God for revival… and then respond when he calls. Join a movement of Catholics who are committing themselves to prayer, formation, and service.
Look for more details in future bulletins, flocknotes and on the parish website about how our parish will be participating in this revival. We will have small discussion groups; opportunities for adoration; presentations on the Eucharist and its importance in our church; and other events. If you have any questions or want more information, contact Barbara at andersonbh@sjehydes.org or 410-592-5606x106.
Congratulations High School Graduates We’d like to extend our congratulations to all our recent high school graduates! You are more than welcome to continue participating in all High School Youth Ministry activities throughout the summer and if you are interested in our College Ministries, please contact Colleen Sisolak.
Confirmation 2023 The next Confirmation preparation session will take place on Tuesday, June 6, starting at 6:45 PM in the Koontz House.
Service Opportunities If you need service hours, contact Colleen Sisolak to learn about volunteer opportunities we will have throughout the summer!
Registration for 2023-2024 Don’t forget to register for the 2023 – 2024 Faith Formation year. Registration forms for 2023 – 2024 were distributed to students last week and emailed to families last week. Forms can also be found on the parish website www.sjehydes.org.
Vacation Bible School 2023 St. John the Evangelist is pleased to announce its VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – “Heroes Hotline” – Called Together to Serve God! Our adventure will take place from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon on June 26 – 30, 2023 in the Church Hall. VBS is open to children who will be in grades Preschool 4 – Grade 5 as of September 2023. The mornings include daily snacks, crafts, science, games, songs, Bible stories, and more.” Download the registration form at https://sjehydes.org/vacation-bible-school. Students in grades 6 – 8 may serve as Crew Leaders.
Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries
Today, the Gospel reveals that Jesus’ disciples still struggled with doubt even after He rose from the dead. He didn’t rebuke them this time. Instead, Jesus gave them the mission to “Make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Jesus knew they needed help to believe Him, even after seeing Him rise. He knows us, too. Seeing is not enough! Many of His would-be followers abandoned Him despite miracles. That’s why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to strengthen our weak faith. We ask you to make an act of faith by giving to our Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries. Like the disciples in today’s Gospel, after worshipping Jesus atop a mountain, we worship Jesus at the “source and summit” of our Eucharistic faith. After worshipping, He sends us out to make disciples. The word Mass comes from the Latin word missa, which means “sending.” We make disciples in our homes, workplaces, and our neighborhoods. We need your prayers and generosity to fulfill our commission to make disciples in our community. Help us fulfill it so that he will find us busy with the good work when He comes back. God be with you. Our parish goal for the Appeal for Catholic Ministries is $82,248. We are about 96% of the way there, with $78,670. To contribute, visit www.archbalt.org/appeal.
Pastoral Council Elections
Pastoral Council Elections are coming up via electronic ballot May 22-May 30. Our nominees and their bios are listed at https://sjehydes.org/2023-pastoral-council-elections You may vote for up to 5 candidates. The ballot is below. If you prefer to vote by phone, please call Ruth Ann Smith at 443-904-4911 Pastoral Council Elections 2023 Vote Please vote for up to 5 people to serve on our Pastoral Council. Mollie Lapaglia Chip Anderson Mike Stetka Brian York Dean Manzoni Gary Lynch Phillip Gill Peter Butler
K of C Blood Drive
BLOOD DRIVE; Saturday, June 3, 2023 6:30 AM to 12:00 PM in the Church hall This event is sponsored by the LGV #8736 Knights of Columbus. We need everyone’s help during this critical time. Our goal is 75 units. Please Give The Gift Of Life! We thank all of those that have given in the past and welcome new donors! You can contact The Red Cross at 1 800 GIVE BLOOD, Mike Talipan at 410.557.2886 or at talifam@verizon.net. Thank you.
Our Daily Bread
FILL OUR FREEZER! We have pledged to provide 100+ casseroles on the first Monday of every other month to Our Daily Bread in Baltimore. Could you help us keep our commitment to feed the needy? Baking is done right in the disposable pan which is available in the narthex. Please bring the frozen casserole to the church hall kitchen prior to June 4. Short on time? A family size Stouffer’s Mac ‘n Cheese or “Wish list” items – cereal, sugar, tea bags, iced tea mix, lunch bags, zipper sandwich bags, or plastic forks are also welcome donations.
Prayer Ministry Next Weekend
Prayer Ministry consists of teams of trained Prayer Ministers who are able to pray with you and for you regarding specific requests or special intentions. Prayer Ministers serve as intercessors in the parish community to fulfill the call to pray for one another. After all Masses on the last weekend of each month, Prayer Teams will be stationed around the sides of the church sanctuary. Simply approach a Prayer Team member, tell them your concerns, and allow them to pray with you and for you, knowing that God hears and answers our prayers. Prayer Ministers will be available after all Masses next weekend, May 27/28.
Help Us Welcome New Parishioners
Please welcome these new additions to our St. John family!
- Sean, Larissa, and Ezra Gray - Ray, Laisa, and Marley King - David, Elizabeth, Emerson, and Everett Klein - Ryan, Erin, and Bailey O’Malley - John and Kathleen Palese - Nick, Kristen, Alexander, Cora, and Jaxon Stamathis - Robert, Alexis, and Sophia Steele - Paul, Jenna, and Annalise Thayer - Thomas, Theresa, Joseph, and Thomas Vondersmith - Christopher, Tarah, and Weston Wiley - George Wilmot
So that we can get to know one another, you are invited to join us in the hall on Saturday, May 27th after 5:00 PM Mass for a light dinner and social time. This is a family-friendly event, so come to the social hall, meet and greet, and go home without having to make dinner! If you plan to join us, please let the parish office know. 410-592-6206 We can’t wait to see you and get to know the new members of our SJE Family!
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.