What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
“You have heard that it was said to your ancestors….” How have my relatives and friends taught me about the faith? How can I learn from the examples of the holy ones who have gone before me?
“Whoever is angry with brother will be liable to judgment.” How do I treat those closest to me? How can I grow in patience and in love for my brothers and sisters?
“Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’” Am I a person of my word? Do my actions back up what I profess to believe?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Pray for Turkey and Syria
“Pope Francis offered his prayers and called for solidarity with victims after two powerful earthquakes brought death and destruction to southeast Turkey and northern Syria. At least one priest is among the dead. You can use this link to help: https://support.crs.org/donate/earthquakes” (USCCB.org)
Please continue to pray for healing in the areas effected by the earthquakes and aftershocks in Turkey and Syria.
We pray for the people of Central Turkey and North West Syria, whose lives have been devastated by the earthquake.
Be present, O Lord, our Good Shepherd, to bring comfort, relief, shelter and human kindness. Shield the people who suffer, console those who are bereaved, prosper the provision of relief, strengthen the work of emergency teams, and shine your light and hope in the midst of despair, and .
We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ready! Set! Go!
Partnership in Mission
What is the foundation of partnership in mission initiatives?
This week we started the “Ready! Set! Go!” to begin the implementation phase of our pastorate plan. St. John the Evangelist Church is grateful for the first cohorts of parishioners who expressed the willingness to advocate and support the 5 core mission areas of our parish, such as our community Membership, the journey towards Spiritual Maturity (or spiritual growth), the participation in Ministry and Mission, and the celebration of vibrant worship and Liturgy.
All parishioners of St. John are called to participate in this partnership initiative to create a strong impact on our community by praying to God for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit among our people so that all may open their hearts to follow God’s leading and participate in supporting this initiative for our Church community.
The first step in exploring participation in this partnership in mission initiative is quite simple: Assume a new mind and heart and trust that Christ calls and inspires you and others to embrace the partnership in mission initiative that God has brought to our SJE community. You must trust you will do what you can and discover others who are thinking along the same lines.
Focus on the Vision of St. John the Evangelist Church.
We need to realize that the best partnership in mission is driven by Jesus’ word and His vision for our community. Our commonly held vision and the intended outcome of programs will drive our partnership initiatives and all evangelizing efforts at SJE to success.
SJE’s vision is to become “a vibrant Catholic community of growing disciples, witnessing the gospel, and leading all to Jesus Christ.” This is what we intend to realize and with which to partner. And this will not be easy or quick work to do. This requires 100 percent participation by all in various ways. This is bigger than the pastor or any one of us. This vision is about us, the future that we wish to become in Long Green Valley, and the security we wish to establish for our children’s children. No one is excluded.
Take note that our intention is not church survival but increased mission impact in the life and faith of people and I believe you will agree that this can only be accomplished when we are together in prayer, renewal steps, and services. I am praying that the desire for an increased mission impact may engender a strong excitement and passion among you, who love the Lord and St. John the Evangelist Church. This impact can only be realized through our collaboration.
Fleece Donations
St. John the Evangelist’s youth ministry is asking for donations of 2-yard lengths of fleece fabric or no-sew blanket kits to make blankets for those in need of extra warmth this winter. Fleece material and no-sew blanket kits can be found at JoAnn Fabric, Michael’s Craft Store, Walmart, or Amazon. Please bring your donations to the parish office. We will be collecting materials ALL WINTER long! If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Sisolak at youthministry@sjehydes.org
Pro Tip: Coupons can be found at https://www.joann.com/coupon/ and https://www.michaels.com/coupons
Tech Ministry
Our livestream and tech ministry is looking for volunteers ages 14 and up to assist with the use of our new projection screens at all our weekend Masses. In order to make all our Masses more accessible and inclusive for parishioners and visitors, we would like to have song lyrics and prayers projected at all Masses. The projection software is simple to use and training will be provided. In addition, we would like more volunteers to run our Sunday livestream. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Megan Malkus at malkusmn@sjehydes.org or 410-592-6206 ext. 104. All volunteers must be Virtus certified.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
St. John is so excited to once again offer children ages 5 to 10 an opportunity to hear God’s word in a way that is designed just for them. The children will be called to the Altar for a blessing before being taken to the Church Hall for their own lesson on the day’s readings. The children return to celebrate the rest of the Mass with their families after the Homily.
We will have CLOW at 9 AM Mass on February 12.
For more information or to help serve in this ministry, contact Melanie Hecht at mlhecht927@protonmail.com. It is a great place for adults and teens to serve!
Service Sundays Thank you to everyone who donated materials and time to our Valentine’s Day care packages that were donated to My Sister’s Place and other ministries. Our next High School Service Sundays activity will be held in the Church Hall on February 26, after the 9:00 AM Mass. We will enjoy a light breakfast at Elgee’s Cafe before coming together for prayer, conversation, and a service project. All high school students are welcome to join us and bring friends! If you are interested in joining us, please RSVP to Colleen Sisolak.
Young Adult Small Group College-aged Small group continues to meet on Sundays beginning at 1 PM. Please attend 11:30 AM Mass, then head up the hill to the Koontz House for conversation and fellowship with others your age. (Being a college student is not a requirement to attend, being between the ages of 18-24 is.)
Confirmation 2023 Our next Confirmation preparation session will be held on Tuesday, March 7, at 6:45 PM in the Church Hall.
Join our Tech Team Are you tech-savvy? Do you want to learn more about live video production? We are looking for young people to join our Livestream and Tech Ministry. You will learn how to operate all the new, state-of-the-art technology at St. John and make our Masses more accessible. We are looking for a minimum of a once-per-month commitment but you can volunteer as much as you would like. This is also a great opportunity to get service hours and learn valuable skills. If you are interested, please contact Megan Malkus at malkusmn@sjehydes.org
The schedule for Faith Formation classes for the next four weeks is as follows:
Grades K - 8 Sunday, Feb 12: Classes - School
Sunday, Feb 19: No Classes - Presidents Day
Sunday, Feb 26: Classes - School
Sunday, Mar 5: Classes - School
Vacation Bible School 2023 We are pleased to announce St. John the Evangelist’s Vacation Bible School Program “Hero Hotline” for Summer 2023 – June 26 – 30 from 9:00 AM. – 12:00 PM in the Church Hall. Students rising to Preschool 4 through Grade 5 as of September 2023 are invited to participate.
Students rising to grades 6 – 12 are invited to be crew leaders.
Note: All students age 14 and older must be Worthy of the Call trained and certified to work with younger children. If you are interested in helping with the program, please contact Theresa Konitzer no later than May 30, 2023.
Cost: $50.00 for First Child and $25.00 for each sibling.
Registration and Permission forms can be found on the parish website at
Our Daily Bread
God Bless Our Casserole Angels! Our angels were in super high gear this month. Today we collected and delivered 120 casseroles to Our Daily Bread. Again, a notch above our goal of 100, and a significant effort for all!! We also delivered several bags of clothing to Christopher’s place and several bags of items for their “wish” list. Needless to say, the staff is always so very appreciative of your efforts. In support of our global parish mission, you truly make our parish light shine brightly. Each casserole feeds a hot meal to six or more of our very needy neighbors.
Please continue to deliver your casseroles to the freezers in the church hall. Our next delivery date to Our Daily Bread is Sunday, April 2. Our pick-up time is 11:30 AM prior to Mass.
Again, God Bless you for all you do for our brothers and sisters in Christ. And a very Blessed Valentine’s Day to all!!
Lectors Needed
When contemplating your sacred purpose, did you ever consider proclaiming the Word of God at Mass?
Our lector ministry is such a rewarding opportunity to take an active role in parish life and to give back in thanksgiving for your own blessings.
Minimal training is provided, and you sign up to serve whenever you’re available.
Anyone high school age and older is most welcome.
If you have questions or would like more information, please call Debbie Jenkins at the parish office (410-592-6206, X100.)
Anniversary Blessings
The Blessing for those married in the month of February will take place next Sunday, February 19 after the 9:00 AM Mass.
Please contact the parish office to register.
Eucharistic Ministers Needed
You’ve seen us at all Masses helping the priest give Eucharist to the assembly. How many times have you thought about becoming an EM? If you’re a fully-initiated Catholic (having been baptized, received First Communion, and Confirmation)
you’re eligible! All training is done at your convenience after the Mass of your choice. What a perfect time to join all the SJE Ministers of Holy Communion during this year as we strive to be Eucharistic people!
Interested? Contact Christine Longhenry by emailing clonghenry@verizon.net or calling 443 391-3953. You’ll be so glad you did!
Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries
Making a pledge to support the 2023 Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries, You are the Light of the World, is a powerful way to help those in need. Please prayerfully consider how you will support the 2023 Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries. Making a pledge, which can be paid in monthly installments is a powerful way to maximize your contribution. For more information on the Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries, and to make a gift or pledge online, please visit www.archbalt.org/appeal/. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Ash Wednesday
Lent Begins on Wednesday, February 22. Please join us for Mass at 8:45 AM or 7:00 PM in the church. The 8:45 AM Mass will be Livestreamed on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@st.johnlgv4812/streams).
Eucharistic Adoration
“In the Holy Eucharist we enter into this movement of love from which all interior progress and all apostolic efficacy springs.” –St. Pope John Paul II
In the Eucharist, Jesus offers Himself to the Father and He deserves our worship and adoration. Pray as you like. Reading and meditation lead to communion with the Lord or just bask in the light of the Eucharist. Come before the Blessed Sacrament to share your pure love on Tuesday, February 14 at 9:30 AM and/or Wednesday, February, 15, at 7:00 PM in the Chapel.
Prayer Network
Prayer changes things. We pray privately for all prayer requests. Call or email us with prayer requests or to join the Prayer Network.
Pat Gibbons: 410-592-2750
Carol Calvert: ccalvert543@aol.com
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.