What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
“Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” What people, events, or things distract me from God? How can I be more aware of God’s presence?
Go and tell John what you hear and see. How have I shared my faith with those I meet? How do my words and actions proclaim the good news?
He will prepare your way before you. How can I help to prepare the Lord’s way? How can I make my heart ready to receive the Lord?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Anniversary Blessings
The Blessing for those married in the month of December will take place next Sunday, December 18 after the 9:00 AM Mass.
Please contact the parish office to register.
Please keep students taking exams in the coming weeks in your prayers.
Lord Jesus,
You know that these students are very anxious about their tests and exams that they have to face very soon.
We ask that You would calm their anxious, clouded thoughts.
Please calm their nerves, and let them rest in You always.
We pray that as they enter their exams, You will fill their hearts with perfect peace that only comes from You.
Please also give them clarity of thought, and prompt their minds to remember all the things that they have studied.
Give them the wisdom and the ability to transfer their thoughts to paper.
It’s in Your precious name we pray,
Young Adult Small Group
As many college students return home for winter break, we invite you to pray for their safe travels and a relaxing, peaceful break. We would also like to invite these students to join our Young Adult Small Group! College aged Small group continues to meet on Sunday’s beginning at 1 PM. Please attend 11:30 AM Mass, then head up the hill to the Koontz House for conversation and fellowship with others your age. (Being a college student is not a requirement to attend, being between the aged of 18-24 is.)
Confirmation 2023
Our first Confirmation preparation session will be held on Tuesday, January 3, at 6:45 PM in the church hall. We ask that parents and sponsors join our candidates for this first session.
Our Daily Bread
God Bless Our Casserole Angels! Our angels were in high gear again this month. Today we collected and delivered 102 casseroles to Our Daily Bread. Again, a notch above our goal of 100, and a significant effort during this very busy time of year!! We also delivered several bags of clothing to Christopher’s place. Needless to say, the staff is always so very appreciative of your efforts. You truly do make a difference month after month for the very special recipients of these hot, home-cooked meals. Each casserole feeds a hot meal to six or more of our very needy neighbors. Please continue to deliver your casseroles to the freezers in the church hall. Our next delivery date to Our Daily Bread is Sunday, February 5.
Again, God Bless you for all you do for our brothers and sisters in Christ. And a very Blessed Christmas and New Year to you and your many loved ones!
Fleece Donations
St. John the Evangelist’s youth ministry is asking for donations of 2-yard lengths of fleece fabric or no-sew blanket kits to make blankets for those in need of extra warmth this winter. Fleece material and no-sew blanket kits can be found at JoAnn Fabric, Michael’s Craft Store, Walmart, or Amazon. Please bring your donations to the parish office. We will be collecting materials ALL WINTER long! If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Sisolak at youthministry@sjehydes.org
Pro Tip: Coupons can be found at https://www.joann.com/coupon/ and https://www.michaels.com/coupons
Christmas Mass Schedule
Our Mass schedule for the 2022 Christmas season is as follows.
Christmas Eve: Saturday, December 24, at 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM
Christmas Day: Sunday, December 25, at 8 AM, 10 AM
Feast of Mary, Mother of God: Saturday, December 31, at 5 PM
Sunday, December 1, at 8 AM and 10 AM
Early Bulletin Deadline
Due to upcoming early printing deadlines and the parish office Christmas holiday closure (December 24- January 1), information/items for the bulletins of December 18 and December 25 are needed no later than Monday, December 12.
Information/items for the January 1 bulletin are due no later than Monday, December 19. Please send to: bulletin@sjehydes.org
Children's Liturgy of the Word
St. John is so excited to once again offer children ages 5 to 10 an opportunity to hear God’s word in a way that is designed just for them. The children will be called to the Altar for a blessing before being taken to the Church Hall for their own lesson on the day’s readings. The children return to celebrate the rest of the Mass with their families after the Homily.
We will have CLOW at 9 AM Mass on December 11. We would love to offer CLOW every week but we need more leaders and assistants! For more information or to help serve in this ministry, contact Melanie Hecht at mlhecht927@protonmail.com. It is a great place for adults and teens to serve!
Formed Advent Resources
For Advent we are suggesting several titles that will help you in your spiritual preparation for Christmas:
Forgiveness – Three 30-minute videos that speak of God’s mercy and forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Daily Advent Reflections with Dr. Timothy Gray – sign up for free at daily.formed.org to get daily emails that will lead you through the season of Advent.
What is the True Meaning of Christmas? with Dr. Michael Patrick Barber – Learn about the origins of many Christmas traditions and the meaning behind many of your favorite Christmas pastimes
For the younger members of our parish here are some videos to watch;
Brother Francis Presents The Days of Advent – featuring meditations, prayers and activities to keep Christ in Christmas
Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe – The story of St. Juan Diego and his meeting with Our Lady
Nicholas: The Boy Who Became Santa – discover how Nicholas discovered he had a very special gift, the gift of giving.
There are many other selections to choose from. Watch all or just one offering on FORMED during Advent as you prepare for the joyous celebration of Christmas. For more information contact Barbara Anderson at andersonbh@sjehydes.org.
Formed is a FREE to-you resource! If you haven’t signed up yet here’s an easy way to get started:
In your browser go to formed.org
Click “sign up”
Click “Sign up as a parishioner”
Search using “St. John Hydes” & click “St. John 13305 Long Green Pike, Hydes, MD”
Type your name and email address
Go to email, open message from formed.org then click “Sign in Now” (for every device you open FORMED on, you will need to do this step.
Advent Reconciliation
In addition to our usual Reconciliation time of Saturdays from 4-4:30 PM, there will be additional Reconciliation during Advent on Tuesday, December 13 at 6:15 PM in the church. Parishioners are also welcome for SJE School’s Reconciliation on Wednesday, December 14 at 10:00 AM.
Christmas Flower Offering
Our recent Advent mailing included an envelope for an offering to remember and/or honor loved ones with Christmas flowers. Additional envelopes are in the parish office. Be sure to return your envelope by December 18. Names will be published in the bulletin later in January.
Eucharistic Adoration
We can show our adoration to God in many ways, but in Eucharistic Adoration, we spend time adoring the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Join us for Adoration on Tuesday, December 13, in the chapel at 9:30 AM.
SJE Winter Policy
Office: If Baltimore County OR Harford County Schools open one or two hours late, the office will open accordingly, one or two hours late. If Baltimore County OR Harford County Schools are closed, the office will open at noon if conditions permit. Please call after 12:00 PM to make sure before coming to the office.
Weekday Mass: Should Baltimore OR Harford County public schools open late or be closed due to inclement weather, there will be no 8:30 AM weekday Mass.
Activities: Should Baltimore OR Harford County public schools be closed due to inclement weather, there will be no afternoon or evening activities or events at St. John, including Religious Education classes and Youth Ministry activities.
Sunday Religious Education classes will be canceled if Phase 1 or 2 of the Snow Emergency Plan is in effect.
Administrative Assistant Position
Looking to serve our parish and make disciples in a new way? We are looking for someone to become a full-time administrative assistant for St. John the Evangelist. For more information about the position, contact Shawn Blair at 410-592-6206 ext. 113.
The schedule for Faith Formation classes for the next four weeks is as follows:
Grades K - 8 Sunday, Dec 11: Classes - School
Sunday, Dec 18: Classes - School
Sunday, Dec 25: No ClassesMerry Christmas
Sunday, Jan 1: No ClassesHappy New Year
Nativity Skit Rehearsals continue at 4:00 PM in the Church on Saturday, December 11 and 18.
Faith Formation Families In the weeks leading up to our celebration of Christmas, please check your e-mails as we will be sending Advent reflections for parents and information for children
An email was sent last Monday that included a reflection for the Second week of Advent and the reminder of the Parish Reconciliation Opportunity on December 13 at 6:15 PM in the Church. As well as ways to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas on December 6, and a coloring page and information about the Immaculate Conception on December 8.
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.