What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
A man named John was sent from God.
What is God sending me to do? How do I respond to this mission?
He was not the light, but came to testify to the light.
How can I give witness to the good things God has done for me? How can I better reflect God’s light?
“Make straight the way of the Lord.”
What stumbling blocks keep me from following the Lord’s way? What steps can I take to remove those stumbling blocks?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Blessing of the Bambinelli
Bambinelli Sunday is celebrated on the third Sunday of Advent. This year St. John will have the blessing as part of all Masses the weekend of December 16/17. Please bring baby Jesus from your Nativity to be blessed.
We wish to welcome home all our college students visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday! Join us for Young Adult Small Group on Sunday at 1:00 PM in the Koontz House. You are encouraged to attend the 11:30 AM Mass.
Confirmation 2024
If you have a young person currently in High School who is interested in learning more about the sacrament of Confirmation, please contact the Youth Ministry Office. Also, check out our Confirmation web page here.
Welcome Home
As many college students return home for winter break, we invite you to pray for their safe travels and a relaxing, peaceful break.
Faith Formation
Welcome to another Faith Formation Year. A list of the next four classes is shown below.
December 17, 2023: Classes - School
December 24, 2023: No Classes - Merry Christmas!
December 31, 2023: No Classes - Happy New Year!
January 7, 2024: Classes - School
The Nativity
Thank you to all the young people who have volunteered to be angels and shepherds at the Christmas Eve Mass. The last rehearsal will be at 4:00 PM in the Church on Sunday, December 24, at 2:30 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
In this year of Eucharistic Revival, join us for Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday, December 12, and Tuesday, December 19, at 9:30 AM in the Chapel.
Parish Office Closure
Please note that the parish office will be closing at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, December 20, for the staff Christmas lunch.
Also, the parish office will be closed Monday, December 25, 2023, through Monday, January 1, 2024, for the Christmas and New Year holidays. We hope you all have a blessed and safe Christmas and New Year!
4th Sunday of Advent & Christmas Mass Schedule
This year the 4th Sunday of Advent is also Christmas Eve. The following is the Mass schedule for Sunday, December 23, 24, and 25.
December 23, 5:00 PM - 4th Sunday of Advent Mass
December 24, 7:30 AM - 4th Sunday of Advent Mass
December 24, 9:00 AM - 4th Sunday of Advent Mass
December 24, 4:00 PM - Christmas Vigil Mass
December 24, 6:00 PM - Christmas Vigil Mass
December 24, 8:00 PM - Christmas Vigil Mass
December 25, 8:00 AM - Christmas Mass
December 25, 10:00 AM - Christmas Mass
2024 Religious Art Calendars
Be sure to pick up your complimentary 2024 Religious Art calendar in the narthex or parish office!
Eucharistic Adoration
In this year of Eucharistic Revival, join us for Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday, December 19, at 9:30 AM in the Chapel.
Winter Weather Policy
Office: If Baltimore County OR Harford County Schools open one or two hours late, the office will open accordingly, one or two hours late. If Baltimore County OR Harford County Schools are closed, the office will open at noon if conditions permit. Please call after 12:00 PM to make sure before coming to the office.
Weekday Mass: Should Baltimore OR Harford County public schools open late or be closed due to inclement weather, there will be no 8:30 AM weekday Mass.
Activities: Should Baltimore OR Harford County public schools be closed due to inclement weather, there will be no afternoon or evening activities or events at St. John, including Religious
Education classes and Youth Ministry activities.
Sunday Religious Education classes will be canceled if Phase 1 or 2 of the Snow Emergency Plan is in effect.
Communion to the Homebound
If you or someone you know are homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact Barbara Anderson at andersonbh@sjehydes.org or 410-952-6206 ext. 106. Also, if you would like to serve as a Eucharistic Minister to the homebound, let us know. We are always looking for people to provide Holy Communion to those who are unable to come to Sunday Masses. We will provide training to those who want to take Holy Communion to others and provide you with a container to take communion with you as well as a book of prayers.
Reconnecting with Our Sacred Purpose
The Sacrament of Baptism gave us the identity of Christ and provided the Sacred Purpose that comes from God. Although the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord will fall on Monday, January 8, we would like everyone to join us on Sunday, January 7, at the 9:00 AM Mass to reconnect with our Sacred Purpose as people of God. We invite especially families who had their children baptized at St. John the Evangelist from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2023, and together we will renew our Baptismal Promises.
Just like Jesus, at our Baptism we become children of God. We are no longer mere creatures of creation but become part of God’s family. We become his sons and daughters with a sacred mission. There will be a small reception in the Hall immediately following the Mass. We hope you can join us.
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.