Begins again on January 30! Weekly Schedule: 6:00 AM Breakfast 6:30 AM Session Starts 7:00 AM Small Groups 7:30 AM Session Ends Before 7:30 AM Mass
We wish to invite you, your father, or your spouse to an intentional accompaniment called “THAT MAN IS YOU” this coming Fall. Join this wonderful faith formation offering for men and experience a renewed sense of meaning as you discover how God perfectly fulfills the role of man and offers every man the opportunity to participate in rebuilding a wonderful life and learning the skills to fulfill authentic male leadership, even under modern society’s pressures and temptations. God offers you a wonderful intentional accompaniment that would benefit your life, your family, and our Church community. Register now…you may fill out this page and return to the office.
Call Barbara Anderson at 410-592-6206, ext. 106 for more information or to sign up!