Est. May 19, 1822
All Souls' Day Mass
On All Souls' Day, Tuesday, November 2, Morning Mass will be held at 8:30 AM in the church.
A novena of Masses for All Souls will be celebrated from November 2–10. An envelope for this purpose is included in your October packet, with spaces for listing the names of the deceased to be remembered. These envelopes will be placed on the altar during the times that Masses are said. Extra envelopes are available in the narthex and parish office. Please return to the parish office or via the collection baskets by October 31.
Bicentennial Cemetery Mass for the Dead
On Saturday, November 6 at 9 AM, Mass will be held outside at the top of the cemetery hill. After Mass, gravesites in the SJE cemetery will be blessed. In the event of inclement weather, Mass will be held in the church.