Est. May 19, 1822
How to receive First Communion While Wearing a Mask
Please view this brief video to learn how to receive Communion while wearing a mask:
For more information, please contact Theresa Konitzer, Director of Religious Education, at 410-592-6206, ext. 107 or email to:
Parents have the wonderful responsibility of teaching their children in partnership with our faith community the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. We begin the process with an invitation to parents and godparents to a special breakfast and speaker while their child is still in the first grade. The presentation covers ways to begin the process of preparing your child for these sacraments. Topics covered: Prayer, Child Moral Development, and Sacrament Update.
The Archdiocesan policy states that the preparation and the reception of First Reconciliation should precede the preparation and reception of First Eucharist. Students who have one year of Religious Education through the parish faith formation program or school will be invited to participate in the sacramental preparation in grade 2 for First Reconciliation and First Communion.
The Eucharist (also referred to as Communion or the Lord’s Last Supper) is the source and summit of all that we do. It is in the Eucharist that we give praise and thanksgiving to all that our loving God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for all that they have done and continue to do for us. The preparation for Eucharist is the same as for First Reconciliation with the exception of a three-hour optional retreat for students. At the retreat students make bread, learn about the church, practice receiving the Eucharist, make banners, and learn how wine is made. The Parent Orientation Meeting is held in early January.
The goal of the First Eucharist preparation program is to help students and parents to develop a love for Jesus in the sacrament of Eucharist.
Children who have completed one year of religious education are invited to prepare for First Communion. Parents are invited to attend a parent orientation meeting explaining the preparation process and ways they can become involved in preparing their child for the sacrament.
Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion to homebound or hospitalized parishioners.
Please contact the parish office at 410-592-6206 to make arrangements.