Est. May 19, 1822
Twice per month, a faithful group of St. John’s parishioners gathers after Mass to make sandwiches and fill lunch bags for the homeless of Harford County. They provide decorated bags with an encouraging message, and the “baggers” include an assortment of goodies and lots of love. We work in conjunction with a few other area churches and distribute the lunches where the homeless gather in area parks and shopping centers.
Our needs are: 1) Donations of bread, peanut butter, jelly, lunch meats, puddings, chips, fruit, etc.; 2) Drivers to assist with distributing the lunches on the Sundays to which St. John is committed; and 3) Volunteers to make sandwiches and stuff the bags, twice a month or once a year.
Contact Pat Loeffler at 410-877-7287