What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
How have I been a force for division rather than unity? How do I discern ways to pursue what is good and avoid what is evil?
Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.
What acts of kindness and mercy have I performed this week? What opportunities for kindness and mercy have I let slip away?
And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
How am I preparing my soul to meet the Lord on the day of judgment? How can I increase my longing to live with God forever?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Giving Tuesday
After all the Black Friday sales, Small Business Saturday shopping, and Cyber Monday surfing, don’t forget about us on Giving Tuesday! Please consider St. John the Evangelist when thinking about where to give this Christmas season.
Prayer Ministry This Weekend
Prayer Ministry consists of teams of trained Prayer Ministers who are able to pray with you and for you regarding specific requests or special intentions.
Prayer Ministers serve as intercessors in the parish community to fulfill the call to pray for one another. After all Masses on the last weekend of each month, Prayer Teams will be stationed around the sides of the church sanctuary. Simply approach a Prayer Team member, tell them your concerns, and allow them to pray with you and for you, knowing that God hears and answers our prayers. Prayer Ministers will be available after all Masses this weekend, November 25/26.
Advent Retreat 2023
Advent Night of Reflection to prepare for the Incarnation – “And the Word became Flesh”
Monday, November 27 from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM.
As we prepare for the celebration of the Incarnation of Christ at Christmas, join us for an evening of prayer and reflection on the origins of the Christmas Creche. Friar Timothy Dore will share how St. Francis of Assisi played a part in developing our Christmas tradition of a creche, its symbolism, and its importance to our Advent preparations. Take some time to prepare spiritually amidst all your other preparations.
We wish to welcome home all our college students visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday! Join us for Young Adult Small Group on Sunday at 1:00 PM in the Koontz House. You are encouraged to attend the 11:30 AM Mass.
Confirmation 2024
If you have a young person currently in High School who is interested in learning more about the sacrament of Confirmation, please contact the Youth Ministry Office. Also, check out our Confirmation web page here.
High School Youth Ministry
Join us on December 3, after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Koontz House for a pancake breakfast!!
Middle School Youth Ministry
Join us on December 10, after the 11:30 AM Mass in the Hall for a Christmas cookie bake!
Thank you to all the young people who have volunteered to be angels and shepherds at the Christmas Eve Mass. The rehearsals will be on Saturday afternoons at 4:00 PM in the Church on the following dates:
Saturday, November 25
Saturday, December 2
Saturday, December 9
Saturday, December 16
Sunday, December 24 at 2:30 PM
Our Daily Bread
We have pledged to provide 100+ casseroles on the first Monday of each month to Our Daily Bread in Baltimore. Could you help us keep our commitment to feed the needy? Baking is done right in the disposable pan which is available in the narthex. Please bring the frozen casserole to the church hall kitchen prior to December 3.
Short on time? A family-size Stouffer’s Mac ‘n Cheese or “Wish list” items – cereal, sugar, tea bags, iced tea mix, lunch bags, zipper sandwich bags, or plastic forks are also welcome donations.
Blessing of the Bambinelli
Pope John Paul II began the tradition of Bambinelli Sunday during his papacy to remind families about the joyous event of Baby Jesus’ arrival in the manger. Bambinelli Sunday is celebrated on the third Sunday of Advent. This year St. John will have the blessing as part of all Masses the weekend of December 16 and 17.
Haiti Outreach Ministry Update
The poor box collection next weekend, December 2/3, will be devoted to the support of our two sister parishes, St Michel de l’Attalaye and St. Anthony of Padua. This quarterly collection is used to provide school lunches, augment teacher salaries, and support religious services both at the main churches but also at the many chapels associated with our sister parishes. As always, your generosity is most appreciated not only by the two priests but especially by our Haitian brother and sister parishioners. Please plan to contribute.
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.