What conversion of mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?
The Samaritan woman said to him, “How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?” Who do I exclude from the circle of my concern? To whom should I reach out in love and service?
I can see that you are a prophet. Who in my life speaks uncomfortable truths? What prophetic voices should I listen for?
We worship what we understand. How well do I understand my faith? How can I grow in knowledge and understanding?
What's New at SJE?
Find Out in the Weekly Bulletin and Our Website!
There's a lot more news than what's highlighted in the weekly Flocknote! Be sure to check out the full Sunday bulletin to stay in the loop. Our website, www.sjehydes.org, is another great resource to stay connected.
Click here for the bulletin, where you'll find all the latest news and information, including information about:
Fr. Pete's Weekly Pastor's Notes
Religious Education Faith Formation News
Youth Ministry News
School News
Mass Intentions
Prayers for the Sick/Deceased
and MORE!
When you click here for the bulletin, you'll be able to "View Current Bulletin" as well as previous editions. If you submit your email address in the box under "Enter Email to Receive Current Bulletin," you'll receive an email each week with the bulletin link.
Spring Forward This Weekend
Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 12 at 2 AM, so be sure to move your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
St. John is so excited to once again offer children ages 5 to 10 an opportunity to hear God’s word in a way that is designed just for them. The children will be called to the Altar for a blessing before being taken to the Church Hall for their own lesson on the day’s readings. The children return to celebrate the rest of the Mass with their families after the Homily. We will have CLOW at 9 AM Mass on March 12. For more information or to help serve in this ministry, contact Melanie Hecht at mlhecht927@protonmail.com. It is a great place for adults and teens to serve!
Tech Ministry
We are looking for people to help run the projection screens in the church at our 5:00 PM Saturday and 11:30 AM Sunday Masses. Volunteers must be 14 years or older and Virtus certified. Please help make our Masses more accessible and inclusive for parishioners and visitors! The projection software is simple to use and training will be provided. In addition, we are always looking for more volunteers to run our Sunday livestream. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Megan Malkus at malkusmn@sjehydes.org or 410-592-6206 ext. 104.
Middle School St. Patrick’s Day of Service We invite all middle school students to participate in a day of service on Friday, March 17, from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM. Please bring a $5 donation to cover the cost of materials for this service project.
Young Adult Small Group College-aged Small group continues to meet on Sundays beginning at 1:00 PM. Please attend 11:30 AM Mass, then head up the hill to the Koontz House for conversation and fellowship with others your age. (Being a college student is not a requirement to attend, being between the ages of 18-24 is.)
Confirmation 2023 The next Confirmation preparation session will take place on Tuesday, April 4, starting at 6:45 PM in the Koontz House.
Confirmation Retreat Let us pray for the Confirmation candidates, their families, and sponsors as the candidates participate in their Confirmation Retreat this weekend.
High School Service Sunday All high schoolers are welcome to join us for a service project on Sunday, March 26 after 9:00 AM Mass. We will socialize, pray together, and complete a project that will serve our community!
The schedule for Faith Formation classes for the next four weeks is as follows: Grades K - 8 Sunday, Mar 12: Classes - School Sunday, Mar 19: Classes - School Tuesday, Mar 21: Reconciliation - 6:15 PM Sunday, Mar 26: Classes - School Sunday, Apr 2: Classes - School (Palm Sunday)
CRS Rice Bowl A STORY OF HOPE FROM THE PHILIPPINES I have many dreams for my family and my grandchildren. I hope I can give them something good. — Raul Enecillo Raul and Rhodora Enecillo live on their farm in Northern Samar, Philippines, with their two granddaughters. Their dream is that their grandchildren will graduate from college. For years, Raul and Rhodora worked hard as coconut farmers, but it was tough to make a living. On top of that, periods of heavy rain made farming difficult.\ Then Raul and Rhodora participated in a Catholic Relief Services program where they received training and assistance to build their own fishpond. The fish grew bigger and soon they were able to sell them at the market. The pond also provided food for the family so they could enjoy nutritious meals together. Now, Raul and Rhodora have added two more fishponds, along with pigs and chickens. With the extra income, their granddaughters can study hard and finish school. “I have dreams for my family and my grandchildren,” Raul says. “I hope I can give them something good.”
Reflection Work is important and part of God’s plan for adults and families. What chores do you do to help your family? Why is it important to help others have work and an income?
Reconciliation A special night of Reconciliation for families in the Faith Formation program will be held on Tuesday, March 21, beginning at 6:15 PM.
Religious Education Family Gathering The family gathering for religious education families will take place on Sunday, March 19, from 10:15 AM to 11:20 AM. At least one parent must accompany each student. No child can participate without a guardian being present.
First Communion Family Gathering The family gathering for First Communion families will take place on Sunday, March 19, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. At least one parent must accompany each student. No child can participate without a guardian being present.
Vacation Bible School 2023 St. John the Evangelist presents Hero Hotline, this year’s vacation bible school program. June 26 - 30, 2023 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Registration and permission forms at https://sjehydes.org/vacation-bible-school
Eucharistic Ministers Needed
You’ve seen us at all Masses helping the priest give Eucharist to the assembly. How many times have you thought about becoming an EM? If you’re a fully-initiated Catholic (having been baptized, received First Communion, and Confirmation) you’re eligible! All training is done at your convenience after the Mass of your choice. What a perfect time to join all the SJE Ministers of Holy Communion during this year as we strive to be Eucharistic people! Interested? Contact Christine Longhenry by emailing clonghenry@verizon.net or calling 443 391-3953. You’ll be so glad you did!
Eucharistic Minister Scheduler Needed
We need a Eucharistic Minister Scheduler! Our wonderful scheduler, Adele Alvather, has decided to “retire” after many years of service to SJE. Will YOU be the one to take her place? You’ll need a heart for serving, Microsoft EXCEL skills(easy to learn because we’ll teach you), and will prepare the schedule only three times annually. Adele will send you all the EM info you need to get started. Will you be the person who takes Adele Alvather’s place as scheduler? Please call the parish office at 410-592-6206 if you’re the one!
Easter Flower Memorials
Our Lent mailing included an envelope for Easter flower donations to honor or remember loved ones at Easter time. Extra envelopes can be found in the parish office. Please return donations by April 7.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be held in the chapel each Friday during Lent at 7:00 PM. Outdoor Stations of the Cross is also available for you to pray at your own time and pace. The stations are located near the bell tower, along with a box that contains prayer sheets.
Sunday Perks
Next week’s coffee and donuts will be held in the Narthex after 9:00 AM Mass. We look forward to seeing you there!
Parish Office Late Opening
The parish office will be opening at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, as we are having a staff retreat that morning.
FORMED Suggestions for Lent
Here are some suggestions for what to watch on FORMED to help you during Lent to prepare for Easter: The Chosen is a popular series about the life of Jesus. Season 1 is now on FORMED. In addition to the series, FORMED theologians, Dr. Michael Barber and Dr. Scott Hefelfinger offer a Catholic commentary on each episode. This series could be a great way for your family to prepare for the season of Lent or just a great way to spend some long winter nights watching TV together as a family. Watch the series and the commentary or just one or the other. Fearless with Chris Stefanik is a 7-week series that will be released on Ash Wednesday to accompany you during Lent. It will address our fears living in today’s world and how God can help us be courageous. Did Jesus really rise from the dead? is a 30-minute discussion with a scripture scholar on the reality of the resurrection and it’s importance to our faith. Living Lent as a Family is a 4 part series with 30 minute episodes of parents of children of various ages discussing what they do to model for their children a faithful life and suggestions of some practices you can begin with your family. You can also sign up for daily reflections to be sent to your email to help you with your prayer during this season of penance and reconciliation. Last year we recommended Forgiven and Presence on the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. If you haven’t watched them, they are still available. If you did watch them, they may deserve a second viewing. There are many other videos and audio offerings on FORMED that are available to you and your family for free. To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps: Go to https://signup.formed.org/ Enter our parish’s zip code (21082) Enter your name and your email address
That’s it! You’re in. Now you can get the free FORMED app for your phone by searching FORMED Catholic in your app store.
Anointing of the Sick
Those in ill health or preparing for medical procedures may receive this sacrament after the 9:00 AM Mass next Sunday, March 12, or on the 2nd Sunday of any month.
Wedding Anniversary Blessings
The Blessing for those married in the month of June will take place next Sunday, March 19 after the 9:00 AM Mass. Please contact the parish office to register.
Spring Fling Silent Auction
The Spring Fling Committee is currently collecting donations for this year’s Silent Auction. Do you own a business or have a vacation home? Work for a generous company or have a friend or neighbor who could donate an item or two? We welcome your donations of gift certificates, event tickets, professional services, vacation spots, and more. Contact Silent Auction Chair, Dean Manzoni, at deanmanzoni1@gmail.com.
Prayer Network
Prayer changes things. We pray privately for all prayer requests. Call or email us with prayer requests or to join the Prayer Network. Pat Gibbons: 410-592-2750 Carol Calvert: ccalvert543@aol.com
Sunday 9 AM Live-stream on YouTube for the Sick/Homebound
The live-streamed 9 AM Mass continues as a ministry for the sick and homebound.